
Astral Arcade


To score high you must fly well, a­voi­ding the Notyous while de­stroy­ing them with your Whack-o-Slack blast bat­te­ry. Fire­pow­er can be in­creased by col­lect­ing five ap­ples. Pick­ing up five hearts in a row will charge your shield.

All edges of the he­xa­go­nal are­na are con­nect­ed to their op­po­site like por­tals, ma­king for a puz­zling­ly dan­ger­ous play­ing field that might take some ex­pe­ri­ence to wrap your head around. Are you ca­pa­ble of surf­ing the waves of cha­os and de­feat­ing the Baphomech?

LucKey Park

It's just a ride

amusement park construction

Build and en­joy your own theme park. From how far away can you at­tract vi­si­tors?

Open Saucer

Mutiny on the Mothership

vehicular soccer

The sau­cers are done ar­gu­ing over which end is the big one, and decide to set­tle the mat­ter once and for all.

Prove you are cor­rect by wreck­ing the other side's re­ac­tor core using the in­fi­nite sup­ply of ball-like bombs at your dis­po­sal.


Search for Sardinia

3D platformer

With the o­cean run­ning out of sar­dines, Tux has to tra­vel and search the od­dest pla­ces to find e­nough fish to feed his fa­mi­ly. Some­how there's plen­ty fresh fish scat­tered ev­ery­where on land, which ap­pears to form some­thing of a trail. But where does this trail lead?
Might the emp­ty o­ceans have some­thing to do with the evil pro­fit-dri­ven Se­ta­gllib, his fish farms and the re­search that goes on there in­to lab-­grown fish? There's on­ly one way to find out: By do­ing what has to be done.


board game

A di­gi­tal ver­sion of Quarto, cre­a­ted in ce­le­bra­tion of its 25th an­ni­vers­a­ry.

There are six­teen unique pie­ces, each with four pro­per­ties. Pla­yers take turns choo­sing a piece which the other player then pla­ces on the board. Line up four pie­ces or form a two by two block with at least one com­mon pro­per­ty to win the game.

A-Mazing Urho

rhythmic maze game

Eat all the shrimp as quick­ly as you can with­out touch­ing any of the harm­ful hazards that the ocean holds. To be the fas­test fish, ti­ming is es­sen­tial.


the Curse of Greyface

dungeon crawler

Storm the Black Iron Prison, trip your balls in­side out and lift the curse of Greyface.

The Birdhouse is under threat of be­ing nuked by or­der of the OR. The Last Tree, in which this home re­sides, is deemed too strange to exist. Out­raged, KO de­ci­des to file a com­plaint like he never filed a com­plaint before, and sets out to save his com­munity.

Blip 'n Blup

Skyward Adventures

puzzle platformer

Two fish, a pact with Sa'Tong and a quest for food, en­light­en­ment and trust.

Tired of the trash rai­ning from a­bove with food grow­ing scarce, Blip and Blup nar­row­ly es­cape be­ing crushed by a con­tai­ner full of shoes that de­stroys their home. They de­cide to put on a pair and take the plunge to the sur­face. But they are not a­lone.

Catch bugs and feed the poor crea­tures to the ex­tor­ting eel (be­fore he gets too hun­gry) as you ven­ture fur­ther from the sea, to where no fish has gone be­fore.

Masters of Oneiron

strategy adventure

With the de­struc­tion of Earth, as a re­sult of two asymp­tot­ic sta­bi­li­ty war­pers be­ing trig­gered in con­cert, a­noth­er world e­mer­ges with­in the bub­ble where space­time was fol­ded in­to the imag­in­a­ry by the phy­sics-de­fy­ing blast. Uni­fied in the ca­tas­tro­phy and dri­ven by a strong de­sire to un­do this grea­test of mis­takes, the hu­man spi­rit molds its ex­plo­ding home­world in­to a sta­ble cy­clo­to­mic field and pa­tient­ly hopes for the best.

Start a­new, dis­co­ver tech­no­lo­gies, shape your en­vi­ron­ment, grow your tribe and seek pur­pose in this un­ex­plored lu­cid realm where mind and mat­ter meet.

OG Tatt

Respect is only the beginning


Pick a gang and roam the law­less world of Art in this free and open source top-down gang­war game.


Beyond the Chopping Block

First person shooter with six degrees of freedom

Severed from their bodies for their ef­forts of hal­ting the dork lord's corona­tion, these floa­ting heads are enjoy­ing an odd after­life.



The MIT li­censed 2D/3D game en­gine writ­ten in C++ used for prac­ti­cal­ly all LucKey Productions games and tools.


Thee block-based map editor

Ideal for cre­a­ting en­vi­ron­ments that con­sist main­ly of re­used 3D mo­dels, po­si­tioned on a grid.


Bestride your imagination

A pro­te­an world buil­der that puts you in the sad­dle of your cre­a­ti­vi­ty.